Friday, December 5, 2008

Goldberg Variations

Glenn Gould playing Bach's Goldberg Variations





Variation 25

26-30 & Aria Da Capo

when i was 18, the whole reason i stayed in college was because i got to check classical music videos out from the library and watch them in the common room by myself while losers in sweatpants screamed at me. admittedly, i was strange, but my intentions were valiant: being passionate about something is always about giving back and taking heat from people while appearing as if it is effortless.

i don't think its possible to top the devotion of bach's absolute music; music for music's sake. thirty variations on a theme, pure counterpoint, crazy rivers of sound drawn as lines without lyrics, clothes, haircuts, electricity or time wise.

the idea as i understand it was that programatic music told a story, sacred music was written to the glory of god, and absolute music was written to the glory of music. it always seemed like the fact that music even existed was enough to inspire devotion regardless of a meaning, an answer, a future or past; and that pursuit has always been admirable to me.

its not about you tube, but if i had been able to see something this amazing growing up, there might have been no reason to go to college in the first place.

i don't recommend not going or going to college, i recommend listening to bach, and i recommend watching gould's hands.

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